Tuesday, February 10, 2009

driving 101

ok so lets get the basics down....you may have a license...but do you have any common sense?

you signal briefly for lane changes...before you change lanes

you signal 300 ft ahead of your turns......not as your turning (damn that white camry)

should you forget to signal.....it happens...but dont drive with the signal on for 8 miles later on that week to make up for it

you can turn left on a green light if no cars are coming.....and you can turn right after stopping if no cars are coming.........and if there's two lanes to turn into...stay in the one your in moron....you dont get them both....

dont stop on the on-ramp to a freeway....especially at the end...just over a hill...or around a curve....or anywhere were traffic normally is moving along just fine before you came along.

if you pull out in front of someone.......with nobody behind them for miles....dont get mad when they ride your ass going 40 in a 55 for miles and miles because you see it too........always a car when the passing lane comes around and now we are stuck behind you mr. not in a hurry for anything. 

yield to dump trucks and semi trucks....if you ever get the chance to ride in one loaded down.....wait till someone pulls out in front of you......its fun trying to stop...knowing that if you do hit them it wont hurt you.....so what the hell.....HIT EM!!!!!

if you drive 10 mph slower while talking on your cell phone.......hang up pull over and kick your own ass.

if you drive the same speed as the person next to you.....and dont notice it.......please notice the line of cars behind you both progessively getting more and more pissed off....you know you use the "fast" lane for passing not for driving....look it up

if you leave just enough room between you and other traffic... you will make it impossible for anyone else to pull out....as there just isn't enough room to make it....and we know you work at making it happen.

stopping in the outside "fast" lane to let someone turn in front of you is illegal and if you cause a wreck you could be found at fault.....like the person on the inside lane driving can see the car turning...and like they can see the inside lane....but this seems to happen on a regular basis and next time it happens to me.....im pulling the @$$hole outta the car/truck whatever and make sure s/he gets what s/he's got coming....thats like setting someone up to get hurt.....really now

this is all for now......more driving instructions to come

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